catIrt 0.5.1 (2022-05-25)
- Renamed package to remove "An R Package for" given redundancies and added
some references.
- Added function exports from base R packages, and fixed C code boilerplate.
- Removed the implicit rounding in the estimation functions.
- Changed the
file to
file to be more consistent with
current style preferences.
catIrt 0.5-0 (2014-10-05)
- Wrote all of the probability and derivatives of probability functions in C for
speed and code clarity.
- Wrote a quick integration function (that takes function arguments) to calculate
Sympson's rule and a quick integration function (that takes vector arguments)
to calculate the trapezoidal rule. The former is now implemented in
and the latter is implemented to calculate weighted Fisher and KL information
for itChoose
- Changed
to calculate probabilities in C before simulating responses
(rather than calculating probabilities and simulating responses at the
same time). This change can result in a slightly different matrix of
responses to items due to the alteration of simulation order.
- Changed
and KL
functions so that item information would be presented in a
person by item dimension matrix rather than an item by person dimension
- Fixed a bug in
, so that if in non-interactive/batch mode, the CAT
would not automatically set "n.max" to nrow(params)
- Fixed a bug in
so that it would display the correct
precision-based stopping rule.
catIrt 0.4-3
- Fixed a bug in
, so that the interval would naturally extend if the
first derivative of the log-likelihood evaluated to the same sign.
catIrt 0.4-2 (2014-06-21)
- Fixed manual links to be consistent with updates to the
package, namely
the deletion of the createItemBank
- Fixed another bug in
(weighted Fisher information), so that it would not error
if only 0-1 items had been taken in the CAT.
catIrt 0.4-1 (2013-05-31)
- Added NEWS.Rd to be compatible with R's news function.
- Made sure that a new line would appear if progress = TRUE.
- Fixed a bug in
(weighted Fisher information), so that it would not error
if only 0-1 items had been taken in the CAT.
catIrt 0.4-0 (2013-04-25)
- Added "it.range" argument to the
list and to the itChoose
function to restrict the difficulty parameters (in a binary response model)
to be within a particular range.
- Changed some code to be neater, cleaner, etc.
- Fixed a bug in
, so that letting catStart$
or catMiddle$
be anything other than 1 would actually select between the top "" items.
- Fixed a bug in
so that the parameters did not need to have
column names for the function to correctly work.
- Fixed a bug in
, so that the stopping rule would use the "range"
sub-argument of catMiddle
rather than the depricated "int" sub-argument to
calculate the likelihoods.
- Fixed a bug in
, so that the stopping rule would only consider the
last value of SEM when forming a confidence interval.
- Fixed a small bug in
, so that the function would check
the "n.start" argument of catStart
(rather than the "" argument) to determine
how many starting items that the CAT administered.
- Fixed several bugs in
, so that the CAT would choose the starting
scoring method if the MLE wasn't achieved (and catMiddle$select = "MLE"
and wouldn't error if the starting scoring method was "step".
- Fixed a bug whereby the
function was not adequately determining
if the first vector of item parameters was the item number. Now,
the item number can ONLY be attached if the parameters are outputted from
a catIrt
catIrt 0.3-0 (2012-09-15)
- Added more termination criteria, including when the Fisher Information
exceeds a particular threshold or when either the Fisher Information or
SEM change less than a particular amount. Note that the original "v.term"
argument is now obsolete and replaced with "p.term" and "i.term" arguments.
- Added
(Weighted Fisher Information) function (not exported) and added
two item selection criteria (Posterior WFI and Likelihood WFI) which both
use the WFI
- Added
(Integrated KL Divergence) function (not exported) and added
two item selection criteria (Fixed Integral KL and Variable Integral KL)
which both use the IKL
- Changed the arguments to
and exported the function so that anybody
can use itChoose
in his/her own CAT algorithm.
- Changed
to return params with the item numbers cbind-ed onto the front
of them, which is required for the itChoose
- The "var" option of
no longer exists and is replaced with
"precision" and "info".
- Changed
to catMiddle$range
to reduce confusion.
- Changed the argument CI to "conf.lev" in
so that catIrt
have consistent names for confidence intervals.
- Changed thetas in catIrt and simIrt to theta to keep consistency with other
- Changed
to catStar$init.theta
to reduce confusion.
- Plotting the individual CAT progression is more customizable.
- The bank info functions/SEM functions are no longer able to be customized
to prevent plotting conflicts.
- Exported
and [<-.mod
functions outside of the catIrt
function, where
mod is any of the IRT models.
- Changed a lot of the manual entries for clarity and consistency, and added a
manual entry for the
- Fixed the SEM for WLE/BME/EAP estimation to be appropriate for the particular
estimation methods, and added numDeriv as a required package for BME
variance estimation.
- The format of the
input function was rewritten a bit.
- Rather than putting everything as arguments into
modules (startCat
, middleCat
, termCat
) were created so that the
package can be easily updated in the future.
- A Sympson-Hetter addendum to the
function was added, in the hope
of eventually writting a Sympson-Hetter function.
- The simple version of the GLR stopping rule was added for classification
CAT rather than just the original SPRT method.
- The confidence interval stopping rule was added for classification CAT.
- The call was deleted to the output of catIrt because the process of updating
the function is too tedious to make it worth while.
- Added an option for theta estimation from the full bank of items. If
EAP was selected and failed to estimate theta (due to underflow),
full-test estimation proceeds using the BME method.
catIrt 0.1-1
- Most of the functions were completely rewritten for speed.
and plot.catIrt
were rewritten, and print commands were
and print.catIrt
now can display each simulees CAT
- S3 method
was added to make the code clearer.
- S3 classes "brm" and "grm" were added, and class "cat" was changed to
class "catIrt."
- The argument "int" was added to
, and a tiny bit of code was
rewritten so that cat.thet estimates could not exceed int on either side.
- The call was added to the output of
so that the update command
would work.
- The
command was added, and now catIrt
gives the posterior
standard deviation if score = "EAP".